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Kira was educated in Southern California, where she received her Masters in Social Work.  Working within the fields of Human  and Social Services until September of 2006, she then chose to embark upon this journey as one of today’s most celebrated  bronze sculptors  and contemporary artists on a full time basis.

As a first generation descendant of Armenian immigrants, Kira was raised with an acute consciousness and compassion for the human condition. Coupled with her 15 year career as a Social Worker, her insight and inspiration as an artist have come from the ever-present witnessing of this plight of the human spirit. The situations visited, and the lives she has effected change and growth within, have nurtured within her an inconsolable compassion for the unsolicited emotion of the human condition.


Kira attributes a great deal of her unyielding determination as a figurative bronze sculptor to her greatest mentor and teacher, Richard MacDonald, whose encouragement has given her the courage necessary to pursue this passion without hesitation.  Also the Founder of the non-profit organization Clay Kids for Health, she has held countless workshops for hospitalized, abused, and neglected youth within Orange County and other parts of the world.

In addition to showing her artwork  in fine art galleries throughout the United States, Kira has also received international recognition as one of the greatest contemporary sculptors in the world. As this internationally acclaimed  Laguna Beach artist and humanitarian, the purpose of each work of art is to ultimately represent the uncensored  human expression, and its struggle between what is seen as the perfection of Heaven, and what are known as the strangely opposing debilitations of the physical world.  

Contemporary Sculptors



"We are still creating...

the artists ~ the muses of this world.

And it is here that we dance

in grateful celebration of those

who continue to share

in this experience

with us…” 

~ Kira

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